Saturday, September 02, 2006

How Many Layers Is Enough?

A colleague recently asked my advise about the design of a web application he was working on. He showed me the draft: an elaborate architecture involving web application calling web service, which in turn invoked application server over .NET Remoting. The problem? This was an intranet application, with maximum number of concurrent users below 50. Had he implemented this original design, he would end up with an extremely scalable system which will never get a chance to realize its potential. On the other hand, the flip side of scalability - poor performance - will be obvious to any user.

So, how many layers is enough for an enterprise application? I am talking about physical layers, of course. With logical layers, approach is well-known: you would typically have data abstraction tier, business objects tier, and workflow tier. In addition, web application itself should be designed using Model-View-Presenter pattern .

With physical layers, it's far less straightforward. When we have all logical tiers running inside single application domain, we achieve best possible performance, because all calls are in-process. Once we place business and data tiers in a dedicated application server, we lose performance to out-of-process calls even if the application server is running on the same physical server. It really doesn't matter what specific remote calling mechanism we use: Web services, .NET Remoting, or Enterprise Services (COM+) - performance will suffer. When we move application server to a separate hardware, performance gets even worse because of network latency.

So why not run everything in-process? Well, many web application do just that - every web server in a farm has all logical tiers of the application. The downside is that web servers have to process both web application logic and business logic. This limits the number of HTTP requests each server could process and thus dramatically reduces system scalability. There are other drawbacks, too. Servers have to be really beefed up to handle the load, so hardware cost is high. Also, this deployment layout is inherently insecure: web servers are usually placed in a DMZ outside company firewall. Think of all the connection strings, encryption keys and other sensitive data that hacker could obtain by breaking into a web server.

By placing business and data tiers on separate physical layer (application server farm) we are trading performance to scalability. Web servers no longer have to process business logic, so they can handle much more page requests (and don't require high-end CPUs and tons of memory). Application servers can utilize connection pooling, object pooling and data caching in order to effectively support the web layer. Better yet, if we move from a homogenous app servers to more specialized "application services", we can improve performance even more by fine-tuning server configuration.

Coming back to the question I used as a title, there really isn't a universal rule. Number of physical layers can be different depending on scalability, performance, security, and other requirements of a particular application.

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