Sadly, but all this goodness is only available to .NET code.
I do not have exact statistics, but anecdotal evidence suggests that even software companies firmly committed to .NET platform still have 25-50% of their codebase in C++, VB 6, or some form of VBScript. The ratio will continue to shift but legacy code is unlikely to disappear anytime soon (after all, mainframes and COBOL are still with us). And of course, all that code needs to be maintained.
Programmers are rarely enthusiastic about legacy code maintenance. Part of the reason is that such code is often a reverse of EntLib: it doesn't encapsulate best practices, doesn't use design patterns, is difficult to use. Yet, we cannot afford to rewrite the whole thing and have to be content just patching holes. Therefore, I think many will welcome the possibility to somehow plug in Application Blocks into their legacy code. Parts of EntLib aren't useful in the non-.NET world, of course, but things like logging, caching, and cryptography are perfect integration points.
In the remaining part of this post, I will describe how this can be done and will use Logging Application Block as an example.
COM Facade
There are many different ways to expose EntLib functionality to older applications, but COM Interop is probably the most efficient. The idea is to use a "facade" design pattern: create a .NET class that will be exposed to COM clients via Interop and pass through calls to EntLib.
I decided to derive this new facade from System.EnterpriseServices.ServicedComponent and host it in a COM+ server application. This way we can take advantage of a couple of very useful services provided by COM+ infrastructure.
public class EntLibAdapter : ServicedComponent, IEntLibAdapter
Interface IEntLibAdapter contains a single method:
public interface IEntLibAdapter
void WriteLog(ref ILogData log, string category, int priority);
Here, ILogData is a name of another interface that defines multiple properties collected for logging. Our COM clients will invoke WriteLog method of the facade class and Logging Application Block will determine whether to log or not (based on category and priority), and which logging trace listener to use. This, however, requires that Application Block be properly initialized.
EntLib application blocks rely on XML configuration which is usually stored in the web.config or exe.config file. In our scenario, entry point is not a .NET application, so we cannot rely on default behavior. Fortunately, EntLib supports multiple configuration sources: for example, it can consume a stand-alone file and read XML configuration from it. Here is how this is achieved for Logging Application block:
FileConfigurationSource configSrc = new FileConfigurationSource(fileName);
LogWriterFactory factory = new LogWriterFactory(configSrc);
this.LogWriter = factory.Create();
Because the facade class is a ServicedComponent, we can take advantage of the COM+ Activation service. When object is created, COM+ will invoke Construct method and pass a string that in our case will contain full path to the configuration file:
[ConstructionEnabled(true, Default = @"C:\EntLibAdapter.config")]
public class EntLibAdapter : ServicedComponent, IEntLibAdapter
protected override void Construct(string s)
if (File.Exists(s))
FileConfigurationSource configSrc = new FileConfigurationSource(s);
LogWriterFactory factory = new LogWriterFactory(configSrc);
this.LogWriter = factory.Create();
Object Pooling
In a typical usage scenario, EntLibAdapter object will be constructed, WriteLog method invoked, and then the object will be destroyed. Notice that the initialization step is fairly expensive - it involves reading a file from disk, parsing XML, building up objects. We can improve performance and increase overall system scalability by maintaining a pool of objects. That way EntLibAdater instances do not get destroyed after client releases the reference - they simply go back to the pool. Object pooling is another built-in service in COM+, so all we need to do is mark our class to participate:
ConstructionEnabled(true, Default = @"C:\Nexsure\Installation\Dlls\EntLibAdapter.config"),
ObjectPooling(true, MinPoolSize = 5)
public class EntLibAdapter : ServicedComponent, IEntLibAdapter
Object pooling may not be the best approach if you plan to use flat file logging. In the example above, there will always be 5 instances in the pool, and each will create its own log file (4 of them will have a GUID-based file name). This should not be a problem if your primary target is database or Windows Event Log.
Since EntLibAdapter is a ServicedComponent, it has to be strongly named and registered using RegSvcs.exe. In addition, EntLib assemblies that it depends on, such as Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Logging.dll, need to be placed in the GAC.